
MedReady® Medication Dispenser

A simple, affordable and automated way to manage multiple medications with 24/7 monitoring

You rely on your medications to keep you healthy. But complicated medication schedules can lead to mistakes: missing doses, taking incorrect amounts, or taking pills at the wrong time. These mistakes could lead to unnecessary doctor or hospital visits.

The MedReady Medication Dispenser1 helps you to avoid medication mistakes so you can live independently in the comfort of your own home. Our automated medication dispenser with 24-hour monitoring is designed to help you to take the right dose at the prescribed time.

MedReady® Automatic Pill Dispenser is recommended for people who:

  • Have recurring hospitalizations related to medication mistakes
  • Have complicated medication regimens
  • Take multiple medications
  • Have a tendency to forget to take their medications

Is it time for a better way to manage your medications?

Use this self-assessment as a guide to determine if a medication management device is right for you.

Begin Self-Assessment

Features and Benefits

Why Choose the MedReady

Easy to use timed medication dispenser

Dispenses pre-loaded doses at the scheduled time3. Simply press open the compartment to receive the medication.

Monitored by Lifeline’s Response Centre

Caregiver is alerted when a dose is missed by SMS text or email. The Response Centre is also available to support the caregiver when needed.

Highly reliable

Visual and audible alarms indicate when it is time to take the medication and allows for greater adherence.


Back up battery

Designed to distribute every dose on time, even in a power outage, thanks to our reliable backup battery 4 protection.

Safe and Secure

Secure edges and a safety lock help ensure that medications stay in the right hands.

Flexible Reminders

Never worry about missing a dose, thanks to our email, text and phone reminders.

How MedReady Works

1. Fill

Using the dosing templates (1 to 4 doses a day) add medications from dose 1 then confirm when completed.

2. Take medication

The pill tray rotates to the scheduled dose and the audible alarm sounds. Open the medication compartment and retrieve the pills.

3. Alerts

Caregiver receives an SMS text or email2 if medication has not been taken or when the dispenser needs troubleshooting.

4. Lifeline Response Centre support

Our specially trained Associates will assist the caregiver and can send the right help if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of medication can be loaded into a MedReady device?

It is designed only for use with pills. Nitroglycerin, liquids, and powders SHOULD NOT BE PLACED IN THE DEVICE.

Does the MedReady require WIFI?

No. The MedReady Automatic Pill Dispenser uses cellular technology to send and receive medication compliance information. The device has a built in SIM card. No additional services are required to use this service.

Does the user need a smart phone to use the MedReady Pill Dispenser?

Yes. In the event of missed doses, the subscriber and/or caregiver require a smart phone in order to receive email or SMS text notifications.

How many doses a day can be programmed?

The MedReady Dispenser can hold up to 4 doses a day. Each compartment is big enough to hold up to nine (9) regular M&M®s. Each compartment is also designed on a slight angle for easy retrieval of medications.

How many days’ worth of medication can the dispenser hold?

The MedReady dispenser holds up to 28 doses. Depending on the number of doses scheduled in a day, it will hold:

  • 4 Doses a day for 7 days
  • 3 Doses a day for 9 days
  • 2 Doses a day for 14 days
  • 1 Dose a day for 28 days

Are the medications locked?

Yes. The medications are stored underneath a locked cover. Keys are required to open it. While the MedReady smart pill dispenser is designed with a lock, someone can, if they wanted to, break into the device to access more medication if they were determined to do so. This device is not recommended or designed for use by individuals who may be tempted to break into the device for extra medication.

Is the MedReady Dispenser a mobile device (i.e. portable so it can be taken with the subscriber when they go out)?

No. The device is not designed to be a portable device used outside the home. It needs to be plugged into the power outlet for normal operations. The back-up batteries should only be used when there is no AC power or for short-term relocation of unit (less than 72 hours).

Choose the Right Device for Your Lifestyle

On the Go Series

(On The Go, On The Go Mini, On The Go with Wandering)
HomeSafe StandardHomesafe with Fall Detection
Two-way Voice Communication Yes Yes Yes
Fall Detection Yes No Yes
Pendant-Style Devie YesYes (wristlet available) Yes
In-home Communicator No Yes Yes
GPS Tracking Yes No No
24/7 Lifeline Response Associates Yes Yes Yes
Water Resistant Yes Yes Yes

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